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There's not alot, if you prepared to travel as far as bristol you could try dundry off road.
If you do go here make sure you dont give them your mobile number on thier form they make you fil out beofre playing. Ifyou do yo will get sent text messages late at night tellingyou about thier next event. This is ok if you want to be told about it. When the text comes through all you get is dundry off road and no reply number. I had to wait until about 8months later when they said did you witenss the accident please call............ again late at night so I called them the second I got it (and woke them up I think) to ask to be removed. Took 3 attemps on calling them over a few months to be removed.Wasn't impressed with that. Also you need mud tyres for the course as it is on clay and natural springs in the field. I had AT's on and did about 5mins of driving, 5 mins of being towed and 2mins of sliding uncontrolably diagonal in ruts towards a ditch and nearly rolled it.
Sounds like you've had all the same problems I had. Slid about 50 yards and had a choise between a ditch a bank or a pond, I chose the bank :shock: Then I had to wait for half an hour before getting a tow :twisted: TBH There's no technical aspect to the site, just charging around for an hour in a vain attempt to get back out!