Once you have registered you can post ! The reason why you have to register for the secure area is for the following reasons.
1, memory map
2, Links to local councils
3, interesting documents
4, Other useful web sites
5, Private conversations ( not on view to the anti 4x4)
6, Gallery (so the anti 4x4 can`t access them)
Many other reasons but I can say its free unlike some organisations who only give u limited access to their forums unless you pay. Now before people try to reply or make comments the the registration process was decided by the admin guy.
To answer your question do we really need another greenlane access site ?
Well the answer is this" Glag was formed because dave rogers exec member of crag asked about setting up a web site for green lane info and a guy called number 6 on difflock offered to do it. A general vote was made on difflock and nobody had any objections. So the web site GLAG was formed"
Have you tried to post on Glag ?