second week of my new job is almost up. bloody hard work i am putting up scaffold hoists for the first 3 months and them moving on the the serviceing side of things. all of last week i was starting at around 5:45, sometimes earleyer sometimes a little later and finish at 5:00 but rakeing up the overtime :twisted:, i have never been up on scaff before and am finding it hard putting the 300/500 hoists is not an easey job :lol:. i had a call out today because some idiot on the scaff hadnt tied down the blue net stuff and it had got caught ing the rack and pinion of the hoist. then something went.....not sure what but me and stuart were in the hoist right at the top at the scaff when it went. had to lower the thing on the brake now ngot to go ot to north london again tomorow to fit it with new contactors and a motor. so i was out in north london from 11:00 untill 3:30 because of this idiot who wouldnt take his finger off of the button when it jammed!
chceck out the wesite on the plus side.....there are alot of 4x4 related things floating about, winch contactors, heavy duty copper wire, full hydro steering rams with the correct orbital valve. hydraulic hose........baisically all the hard stuff to get :D there are also a rather large ammount of HUGE batteries to power the genie scissor lifts, i wonder how they wpuld fare with a winch? :lol:
anyways, untill next time chaps