I don't have a copy of the letter as I filled it in online. I also think that using your own words is the best startegy as our MPs have to read them all and they will quickly become bored or desensitised toa lot of similar sounding letters. If it's a more personal viewpoint they will quickly see that we are just normal members of the community who happen to own 4x4s and are concerned about the growing and unpleasant movement against us.
I did mention that we are now a one car family because we have seven seats and can go out as a family in one car, exploring responsibly the byways of the countryside, which is a healthy outdoor activity that is much a right of every person in the UK as any other sport and form of enjoyment, we do around 30 mpg and are therefore more efficient than most sports cars and many top marque saloons, we are energy efficient in our lifestyle (I walk to work, my wife walks the kids to school, we don't take three holidays abroad each year, we have a super-insulated home, no dishwasher etc.) and I already pay more road tax becuase of the large engine, and I pay duty on fuel like everyone else.
You can't argue that hitting a child in a Discovery is not going to be far more serious than hitting the same child in a micra, but we can demonstrate that we are careful drivers, have better visibility and drive much slower than most.