:lol: just on the way back from shopping with swmbo we passed the ebankment carpark here in wellingborough wellllllllll ok the large expanse of mud and bomb holes, what do we see to our amazement but a little black car landed in one of the larger bombholes :lol: group of 2 lads a 3 girls thought they`d have little off road fun when whammmmmm sunk upto the doors in mud :lol: :lol: :lol: by the time we had turned around and got back the council had turned up in their little white van and wernt to keen on going anywhere near em incase they got stuck.....
so lol I donned me super man cape and little red pants I keep handy in the boot lol and 5 mins later we had dragged em out the hole and back onto the gravel part of car park.
I have never seen such a group of bright red faces in one car and it was even better when swmbo informed them that if they wanna go off road in future by a 4x4 lol with a sheepish thanks they were off into the night.
Well I feel better now lol that was my good deed for 2006 hehe we drove of and I felt all smug and happy lol :lol: Playing in the mud and helping a fellow human beings abeit chav`s at xmas lol